Ron Hollingshead
Other Sculpture

Popped Art
Size: Dimensions variable
Date: 08-2009
Media: Construction
Materials: Aluminum and plastic.

Popped Art is a box worth (8) of POP-Tart breakfast pastries fabricated in Pop Art style. The cast aluminum Pop-Tarts with plastic icing burst from the wall on plastic mounts and machined aluminum rods.

Size: Variable
Date: 02-2014
Materials: Surge protector, bowling ball, and outlet.

Plug 2013 (Ongoing)
Size: 14” X 43” X 12”
Date: 05-2013
Materials: Bowling ball, bag, cord, and outlet.
Electrical circuits are great metaphors for the nervous system to most people. I, however, do not have the luxury of metaphors. I have real wires running through my body. I have two implanted spinal cord stimulators, the first of which, after a terrible surgical event, has been rendered inoperable. It remains in my body even though another has been implanted, a big, useless lump.

Plug (Ron)
Size: 14” X 43” X 12”
Date: 05-2010
Materials: Bowling ball, bag, cord, and outlet.
No, it doesn’t “do” anything.


Watt Not
Size: 4" X 4" X 4"
Date: 10-2017
Materials: Plastic plug and cast tongue.

​Core Sample​
Size: 28” X 58” X 10”
Date: 05-2009
Materials: Core, Mantle, Crust, and Lava.
Pun signifiers sit in for this diagrammatical look at the layers of the Earth.
A Bronze apple core stands in for the molten metal center of our Earth while the mantle allows the ceramic crust, made of material from the shell we live on, to ride above it as red lava spews upward through it.

Pissing Contest
Size: 8’ X 3’ X 4’ 6”
Date: 12-2008
Media: Assemblage
Materials: Wood, wire, lamps, galvanized pipe, game board, bedpans.
This piece was inspired by an argument with a family member. This confrontation lasted hours with neither side giving in, both with righteousness on their side. I have always thought the colloquialism of the “pissing contest” was a hilarious visualization. Here I use humor to deal with the harsh realities of a personal experience. I invite anyone to step up into the role of the competitor but be ready to have you side of the story in the spot light.


​Mr. Potato Famine​
Size: 1” X 1” X 3 ½ ”
Date: 05-2009
Materials: Aluminum.
Empty hands outstretched. A memorial in aluminum.

10” X 5” X 4”
Cast bronze, resin, and brass.
A cast apparatus holds a carrot/ pill-bottle hybrid under tension.

Right Brain , Left Brain
10” X 8” X 4”
Cast resin, plastic, and wood.
Which is the "right" brain?